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Showing posts from July, 2018


Have you ever been away from your significant other for so long that a simple compliment from the opposite sex will send tremors to part of  you body it should not ? Well this is the story of my life right now, I've been away from zaddy for almost four months and my body is starting to crack under pressure. I've been celibate for months before but this is very different, imagine been with someone who knows what your body body wants and how to please you for two years then moving to a different county because adulting is a scam. This guy on twitter slid into my DM last week after I a replied his comment about power because I thought it was funny and I was about to say the same thing. He followed me and I followed back because social media is about getting to know all sorts of people. Drops a message asking where I lived a few hours after which I replied. Fortunately and unfortunately I was in London visiting family for two nights and he lived in London. He was nice telling ...


Hi everyone, So there is this gist going around work about a girl I started working with, basically saying she is a cheerful giver and had sex with at least three different guys since we started. We have only been at the company for six weeks , two of the six weeks we spent training and barely interacting with any of the people on the floor. The entire floor has been gossiping about it, calling her loose and easy, one of the black girls over heard one of the team leads talking about it and she felt bad, so she told one of the black girls I'm friends with at work about not knowing whether or not to tell her. I noticed the girl was a bit too close for comfort with some of the guys in the office but I felt I wasn't minding my business, so i just ignored. I'm not close to her so I really cannot say anything to her, I went to uni with her sister but we were not friend and we've only had one or two conversations. I feel really sorry for her because she has been away a...