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Showing posts from November, 2015


It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm going to be 22, I'm not excited, I'm glad and thankful to be alive. For the last four years I fast, pray and thank God for the year and hope my new ages comes with new blessings, I had my prayer all planned out 22 Rakah's one for each year, surahs from the Quran. Last year I wasn't able to fast or do my Rakah because I wasn't pure to pray and it's the same this year and I am gutted, but I'm going to be thankful. I also play the lotto on my birthday hoping birthday luck will come in. I look forward to my new age


I started drinking again, It wasn't planned, I was meeting up with my oldest friend for birthday drinks and some gossip, on a normal day I would've ordered  a virgin cocktail, a juice or coke but when the waiter came I ordered a strawberry daiquiri without thinking. It was lush, first taste of alcohol in a year and three months and it was beautiful, I didn't feel guilty after, my decision to stop drinking was random I woke up one morning and decided to stop drinking and any time I was offered alcohol I declined with a smile on my face proud of my decision. Different types of questions follow; ' Why don't you drink?', 'Were you an alcoholic ?', 'Just one glass?', this is the most annoying one. ' Is it for religious purpose ?', I don't know, I woke up one morning and decided not to drink anymore, get used to it and stop offering me what I don't want. It fun going out and seeing how drunk my friends get, the shouting, t...

The End ?

Is the world really coming to an end? The events of the past two weeks are really sad, first the plane the Isis claim they shot down, the attack in France a few hours ago, Islamic violence around the world. My heart bleeds. What is wrong with humans? How can we hurt each other, deprive people of the joy of seeing their loved ones yet feeling happy that it is what God wants, we were created to love and care for one another not to destroy each other. Animals have more empathy for their kind than we humans do right now and it is quite sad how fast all these events will be something of the past and how the lives lost might never be remembered outside their family. RIP to all the lives lost and may the Almighty Allah bless your souls and ease the pain for the family. XXXX L.D
Another sleepless night ,my mind is in a thousand places at once, tears rolling down my face for no reason, I'm in a shitty mood and I don't even know why, I've been like this for a few days and praying is not working, it used to, that was the answer to my moods. I don't even know why I'm typing this, Is it going to help? Your twenties are really the shittiest years of your life. Does it get better or worse? 

Tabula Rasa.

I want to share this amazing Brymo album with you guys, like every one of his album it nothing but amazing, its called Tabula Rasa, Latin for blank slate. My favourite songs on the album are;  Dear child where he praised his grandmother who died when he was young. Fe mi One pound Je le o simi, I love this video I hope you all enjoy the album as much as I did. XXXX L.D


This is the 7th week since I started my final year and all I can say is I'm on a roll, my mojo is fully back but I can't wait  to finally graduate so I can move on to the next chapter in my life. Hopefully a positive one. I had a mock exam yesterday and it went well, I'm spending more time in the library to get my notes together and work on assignments. I've spent more time in the library in the last 7 weeks that I have in the last years, I used to have the study when you have to approach but not anymore. I found my calling, we started Intellectual Property in commercial law yesterday and I was in love before the end of the class, its very interesting and there is also such a high demand for it so I did a bit of research and I am happy with what I found.  I didn't really know what to my masters on but I found myself checking masters programme online and I'm so excited, I can't wait.