Hi guys, This weeks has been a busy one from the start. I'm going to try to go into more details on how my week by separating the days. Hopeful the posts don't get boring. Monday I got into a bit of trouble with student services for having multiple piercings on my ears, I smiled at the lady and she let me in. We finished criminal litigation early and I was excited to go home early only to remember Tuesday was the deadline given to complete medicals. I assumed I didn't have to do it since I was not staying on campus, students are very fond of leaving things until last minute so the second the lecturer announced the end of class I didn't wait to thumbprint. Walked to the clinic as fast as I could, completed the process in 45 minutes and went back to thumbprint at ICT, I took my medical card as proof to show I wasn't ditching lectures. Got home before 4. Tuesday Long day , civil litigation takes a lot of time and the lectures always have stories to tell but th...
A confused individual trying to navigate her way through life, facing different challenges along the way, this blog is my getaway and my way of sharing my experiences and love for writing. Twitter: @literaldiva Instagram: Firstlaydeee