Sometimes I wish my blog was anonymous so I can post personal thing, I think about the things I post and I worry if I post things I shouldn't, I do not know most of my readers but it will be nice for some of you to drop comments. Yes to the aim of the post it to discuss something i've been battling for a while , it started four years ago when I was 16. Bacteria Vaginosis a bacteria infection in you know where " the land down under " , the first symptom was a fishy smell which was really disgusting and embarrassing, I wasn't sure what it was so I kept it to myself and just increased the amount of times I washed the 'VAG' not knowing that made it worse. I went to the GP who prescribed drugs and it disappeared within a few days and me been the type of person I am , I stopped using the medication .
A confused individual trying to navigate her way through life, facing different challenges along the way, this blog is my getaway and my way of sharing my experiences and love for writing. Twitter: @literaldiva Instagram: Firstlaydeee